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Click on images below to enlarge, below images are their descriptions:
1. Isaac’s Apple, horse chestnut and elm 2.2m tall, carved from standing tree, Wyndham Park, Grantham
2. Hope, elm, 1.5m tall, private commission
3. Giant kangaroo horse jump (9m), Wallaby Hill NSW 2018
4. Tree Serpent, oak, 2m tall for Sculptree, Westonbirt Arboretum, 2010
5. Snail, elm, 1.8m long, Louth Museum
6. Lady of Shallot, elm, 1.6m tall, Tennyson Trail, River Witham
7. River Pillar, sweet chestnut, 5m tall, Tennyson Trail, River Witham, engraved with “For men may come and men may go, but I go on forever” from The Brook, Alfred Tennyson
8. Pebble Seat, ash, 0.8m tall, for exhibition
9. Pig, oak, 1.4m long, private commission
10. Newt, oak, 2.5m long, Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park
11. Hare, oak, 1.4m long, cycle path, Bassingham
12. Nigel, me demonstrating
13. Shire Horse, cedar and oak, 2.4m tall, cycle path Bassingham, Lincolnshire
14. Owl Seat, ash, private garden
15. Monk, oak, 1.7m tall, Bardney Abbey, Lincolnshire
16. Hare, elm, 1m tall, private commission
17. Nigel with Isaac’s Apple
18. Mother and child, cedar, 1.2m tall part of gorilla family sculpture for Witham Academy, Lincoln
19. Mobius seat, cedar, 1.2m long
20. Mobius Ring, oak, 1m tall for exhibition
21. Horse Head, ash, 60cm, for Sculpture in the Sanctuary exhibition 2015
22. Boxing hares, elm, 0.6m tall, private commission
23. Stag, oak, 2.1m tall, private garden, Lincoln
24. Apple Seat; 2.1m tall, elm, Sleaford Community Orchard
25. Big Spider, oak, 1m tall, primary School in Spalding
26. Black Sluice Mural, greenheart, 5m x 18m, Boston, carved from old lock gates
27. Bullock, elm, 1.5m long, Sleaford Country Park
28. Dragon, oak, 6m long, carved for and with Boston West Primary School
29. Embrace, beech, 2m tall, carved for Sculptree, Westonbirt Arboretum 2008
30. Fern Seat, oak, 2.1m tall, Spa Trail, Lincolnshire
31. Gorilla, maple, 2m tall, Sculptree 2010, Westonbirt Arboretum
32. Elizabeth, oak, 1.5m tall, private woodland Lincolnshire